Yuan Debt: Any Questions?
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"This is debt. This is Yuan Debt. Any Questions?" China is the largest holder of US debt, and slowly buying up US and Canadian property. Show your outrage at the hard sale of US assets through the abuse of fiat currency and the US Fed.
Size: 3 x 9
Free Shipping/Handling
Size: 3 x 9
Free Shipping/Handling
The United States is on a course of unparalleled debt creation...at
least in her own history. The 16th Amendment set the United States on the road
of unjust taxation, and the Federal Reserve Act--now 101 years old--enabled
this fiat-currency debt creation. The US debt clock now stands at over $150,000
per taxpayer, not including the unfunded liabilities upwards of $128 trillion.
Put this sticker on book covers, bumpers, backpacks, laptops, or anywhere else
you want to demonstrate your outrage at the wholesale indebtedness of the US to
foreign entities.